Inter Institutional Working Group for Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change (IIWG27)
Pursuant to the Decision No. 749, dated 19.12.2018 of the Council of Ministers “On the establishment, organization and functioning of the state structures, responsible for the negotiation and concluding the Accession Treaty between the Republic of Albania and EU”, and to paragraph 4, 10 and 12, of Article 4 of the Order No. 94, dated 20.05.2019 of the Prime Minister “On the establishment, composition and functioning of Inter-Institutional working groups for the European Integration”, the Inter-Institutional Working Group for Chapter 27 is created.
The scope of the activity of the IIWG is defined by the thematic content of Chapter 27 “Environment and Climate Change”, which consists of the following sub-thematic contents (referred to as “Subchapters”): Horizontal legislation, Air quality, Waste management, Water quality, Nature protection, Industrial pollution control, Chemicals, Noise, Civil Protection and Climate Change. The Chairman of the IIWG27, the Deputy Minister of MTE Ms. Ornela Cuci, is responsible for the work of the IIWG27 This group is considered as main platform for the EU preparatory process and thus will be the key structure for planning and managing the EU negotiation.
Members of the IIWG27
Main duties of Members of IIWG27and responsible persons for Chapter 27 directives and regulations during EU integration process and preparation for bilateral screening include but not limited to:
a) Ensuring that each EU legal act under responsibility is analyzed, status and the plans for transposition, institutional development, implementation and enforcement are developed as necessary input to prepare materials for the bilateral screening;
b) Participating and contributing to the Screening Preparatory Assessment (SPA) process;
c) Participating and contributing to the Needs Assessment process;
d) Developing answers to the Screening questionnaire;
e) Developing actions plans for particular directive/regulation during Screening;
f) Contribute in preparation of progress reports for EU integration;
g) Developing of presentations regarding legal act/s under responsibility during the Bilateral Screening meeting and other meeting with the European Commission as relevant for the European Integration;
h) Participating in the Bilateral Screening and other meetings, as a part of Delegation, delivery of presentations regarding legal act under responsibility;
i) Preparing answers and additional information following such requests from the European Commission or national authorities;
j) Identification of directives potentially requiring transitional periods, proposing actions for organizing development of Directive Specific Implementation Plans and other supporting documentation as required;
k) Identifying issues require further analysis and clarification with the EC or other institutions;
l) Monitoring implementation and further development of the National Plan for European Integration (NPEI);
m) Performing other duties as decided by the IIWG.
Documents developed by the IIWG
– Table with directives and responsible person: