Implementing Partners

Ministry of Tourism and Environment 


Brooks Hannas & Partners

Brooks Hannas & Partners (BH) is a registered Serbian limited liability company, based in Belgrade, Serbia, focusing on providing technical assistance in Serbia, Albania and across the Western Balkans. BH is a company with international experience in environmental and project management sector. With wider experience and a continuous presence in or near the countries we work in, especially in region; Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, we have a profound understanding of the context that our partners and end-users are facing.
Our core team includes institutional experts, water engineers and administrators as well as regularly employing experts from across the region (e.g.: Albania, Montenegro and Serbia) as well as internationally (e.g.: Germany, UK and Ireland). BH’s core team are directly involved or support each project as well as being able to draw upon a considerable pool of trusted environmental experts, of which we use over 20 on a regular basis. Heart of our business is Programme and Project Management. We specialize in environment and its wider context bringing exceptional people, subject-matter experts who can explain and pass on their knowledge, project managers who listen, and administrative teams who are flexible (but keep us within the rules).

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