In Activities

Management of Special Waste Streams within the Extended Producer Responsibility System

On October 11, 2022, SANE 27 supported the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, to organise the workshop on “Management of Special Waste Stream within the Extended Producers’ Responsibility System”. This workshop was considered very important as it brought to an open discussion the new draft law “on Extended Producer Responsibility for Management of Special Waste Streams” (Draft EPR Law) that is expected to be adopted during first quarter of 2023 by the Albanian Parliament. The Draft EPR Law, once adopted, will provide solid ground for establishing the scheme for selection and recycling of special waste streams such as packaging waste, waste from electronic and electrical equipment and waste batteries and accumulators. This will significantly improve the current waste management practices and will boost the recycling industry in Albania.

The workshop was used as well to present the experience of implementation of the EPR systems in EU members’ states and EU candidate countries such as Cyprus and Hungary, thus enabling to learn from the previous experience and contribute in better discussions for the draft EPR law.

In the workshop were present Minister of Tourism and Environment, Swedish Ambassador in Albania and other stakeholders related to the waste management system in Albania such.

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