In Green27+

Experience sharing and Networking in the region

The GREEN 27+ consortium comprises around 20 environmental organization from around the country, who have expressed their interest to be involved in Albania’s EU process and negotiations for Chapter 27: Environment. The partners in this consortium, namely REC Albania as lead organization, the Center for Environment, Development, Education and Network (EDEN), Institute for Conservation of Nature in Albania (INCA) and Urban Research Institute (URI), are engaged in developing a support and capacity building program for the civil society. Following the results and outcomes of the to date EU Negotiation process, the first pilot program is a built up contribution to the process by developing and articulating the CSO position in the EU-Albania negotiations related to topics of Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Strengthen capacities of environmental NGOs on Albania’s EU approximation and encourage their proactive and constructive participation in the EU negotiation process;
  • Stimulate cooperation among NGOs to formulate and communicate common positions on environmental matters;
  • Raise awareness and stimulate the active role of Albania’s civil society on EU approximation issues;

Exchange with other organizations in the region with experience in drafting similar reports and involvement of civil society is foreseen during the whole project implementation. Due to the COVID-19 situation and restrictions on physical group events, the first main activities of the project were organized through the internet-based communication tool (ZOOM platform). As such, the first planned exchange of experience was organized through this platform with Koelicija 27, located in Serbia, on June 22, 2020, where the invited guest Goran Sekulic (WWF Adria) shared his experience on the methodology and progress of the process in Serbia.

The meeting resulted very efficient, since all the members of the consortium had drafted a number of questions and Mr. Sekulic was more than willing to share his opinion on these questions, taking into account his previous experience with the process.

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