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Training- IPA III

The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is the means by which the EU has been supporting reforms in the enlargement...

Lexo më shumë


“Data process management for approximation and EU negotiations for Chapter...

On March 24, 2022, The Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania (MTE), with the support of the program SANE 27 phase II, in...

Lexo më shumë


Workshop “Transitional periods and Directive Specific Implementation Plans role in...

On February 22, 2022,  The Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania (MTE), with the support of the program SANE 27 phase...

Lexo më shumë


Thirrje per aplikime lidhur me Platformen e Partenritetit

Ministria e Turizmit dhe Mjedisit ka lancuar thirrjen per aplikime lidhur me Platformen e Partenritetit:...

Lexo më shumë